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19990220: ldm on new Solaris x86 PC at St. Cloud (cont.)

>From: address@hidden
>Organization: St. Cloud State
>Keywords: 199902121723.KAA10662 Solaris installation


>I have installed and configured ldm as directed in the
>web site chapters:
>   ldm preinstallation check list
>   ldm binary installation
>Got the binary ldm for solaris2.6-x86....at your site.
>Notice that it results in ldm-5.0.6.


>Everything went fine until I got to the last steps in 
>binary install; i.e. creating the queue  and starting the ldm
>At that point, typing ldmadmin mkqueue, I got the message
>   permission denied
>Same message when trying:  ldmadmin start
>When trying the above as root, message is: cannot execute.

OK, this says that the thing that is attempting to be executed is
not executable, but you found that out later (second message appended

>I checked file permissions and things look ok.  User is ldm
>and everything is in /usr/local/ldm.  All directories and files
>created and owned by ldm, except for rpc.ldmd and hupsyslog
>were done by root.
>The only item I can think of is that gcc is not yet unpacked
>from its .gz format, but I don't think we need that yet.

Right, you only need gcc when you get ready to build executables.  The
fact that you got a binary distribution of the LDM from us tells me
that you don't need gcc yet.

>Perl should be ok, it is in /usr/local and its location is 
>properly listed in scriptconfig.  It is owned by ldm, but is
>executable by all.
>So, what do you think?
>>From address@hidden  Sat Feb 20 11:42:16 1999
>Hey, sorry about the earlier message, I had messed up a bit
>in the scriptconfig file.  Had not properly listd my perl
>location, only gave the dir of /usr/local,  guessed from the
>comments in scriptconfig that I needed the complete path; 
>/usr/local/perl-5  in my case.

Right.  In Unix shell scripts, the shell interpreter is specified
in the first line as:


>now, when I run ldmadmin mkqueue, I get the message
>   too many )'s
>Not sure where the too many )'s might be, I suppose in ldmadmin?


>so, must be close now, but still need your suggestions or the
>full cure if possible.

I logged onto your machine and started poking around a couple of
minutes ago.  Several things struck me right off:

o you had not included the /usr/local/ldm/bin and /usr/local/ldm/decoders
  directory in 'ldm's .cshrc file.  I took the liberty of updating .cshrc
  on your system to include these directories.

o the size of the perl executable looks to be excessively large:

ms51% ls -l /usr/local/perl-5
-r-xr-xr-x   1 ldm      data     11572224 Feb 20 10:55 /usr/local/perl-5

As a comparison, I logged onto another user's Solaris x86 machine to look
at his perl executable:

/usr/local/ldm/bin% ls -l /usr/local/bin/perl
-rwxr-xr-x   2 bin      bin       596712 Oct 21 17:35 /usr/local/bin/perl*

The size on our system is also in the 600 KB range:

/home/mcidas% dir /usr/local/bin/perl
   1002575 -rwxr-xr-x   2 other     586088 Mar  5  1998 /usr/local/bin/perl

o the location of your perl executable is odd.  Both the other user's
  perl location and ours is /usr/local/bin.

o perl had been installed by 'ldm'.  System utilities should be installed
  by 'root' who then sets read/write/execute permissions so users can
  use the various packages.

Given the huge discrepency in file sizes, I suspect that your perl
installation is bad.  If I had been given 'root' access privilege, I
would have reinstalled perl for you to test out this hypothesis.

Talk to you tomorrow.


Tom Yoksas