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Re: problem...

Hi Youngsun,

You're moving along!  Great!  A couple of things:

1. In both your upstream and downstream ldmd.conf files, change this:

#allow  ANY

to this:

allow  ANY

That line allowing localhost to connect back to itself needs to be there.

2. I have to apologize because I gave you some misinformation.  This:

EXP     ".*"    FILE    /home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp/.*

should be this:

EXP    .*    FILE    /home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp/.*

In pqact.conf the second field is a string matching pattern.  The fields in 
pqact.conf entries *must* be separated by tabs.  That is the entries must 
actually be like this:


The tab requirement is an ugly, annoying, hard to spot problem, although I see 
that you have used tabs in pqact.conf - good!  But, the pattern I gave you is 
going to try to match the '"' character, which is not what we want.  (Just to 
add to the
confusion, ldmd.conf is different.  There the fields can be separated by spaces 
and the pattern is enclosed in quotes. ) 

3. Since you said that your input files are contained in 
/home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp, I'm assuming that this is a directory, 
not a single file.  But, pqact wants a file name, not a directory name, to 
write the file.  So, let me break this apart
into two parts:

A. First to file a single product on your downstream host, in your downstream 
pqact.conf change this:

EXP     .*    FILE    /home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp/.*

to this:

EXP     .*    FILE    /home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp/relayed

This should create a single file called 
/home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp/relayed containing your test data.  It 
will continually overwrite the file with whatever arrives.

B. Now to file more than one product, you need to extract some information from 
the product that will give a unique file name that pqact can use.  So,  

EXP     (.*)    FILE    /home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp/\1

This will take the string that is the product ID and use it as a file name.   
Note that if there are spaces in the product ID, there will be spaces in the 
file name.  

The way the above works is this:  strings like \1 or \2 will substitute matched 
substrings from the product ID into the file name.  \n refers to the nth set of 
parentheses in the pattern.  So, \1 will substitute the part of the product ID 
that matches the
contents of the first set of parentheses.  In the example above, this would 
match the entire product ID.  With your naming convention of 
AWS_MIN_YEARMMDDHHmm, you should get files having that name in the directory 

The only way to clean the queue is to remove the file ldm.pq and then recreate 

Yes, it would be helpful if I could remotely log in to your system.   Then I 
could also look at how you've configured it to make sure there aren't any 
errors, and maybe test a few things.  But, looks like that's not going to 

Good luck!  I'm happy to help.  For your information, I'll be in meetings all 
day Monday, half day Tuesday, and in and out of meetings on Thursday and 
Friday.  This is not my favorite kind of week, but it happens.  So, I may not 
be able to respond as
quickly.  However, if you have questions don't hesitate to send them to me as I 
may be able to find someone else who can help you sooner than I can.  


> Youngsun Jung wrote:
> Hi Anne,
> Thank you so much for the detailed explanation on ldmd.conf and pqact.conf.
> It helped me a lot. I could make ldm work on upstream server.
> But I still have one more problem.
> Our upstream server seems to work normally.
> "ldmadmin watch" command shows that data goes to the queue fine and
> "notifyme" command shows that downstream server gets notification from 
> upstream server.
> But it fails to produce file on downstream server.
> I think I made some mistakes in "pqact.config".
> And is there any way to clean queue?
> I mean, how can I delete all files in the queue?
> We may want to do that sometimes.
> FYI, our data files to be distribute are located in 
> /home3/awips/data/fxa/LDAD/aws/raw/tmp
> and file naming rule is AWS_MIN_YEARMMDDHHmm (ex. AWS_MIN_200309261600).
> I wish you could install it remotely.
> However, our network administrators are so stubborn...
> I am sincerely sorry to bother you too much...
> Youngsun
>                          Name: ldmd.conf_upstream
>    ldmd.conf_upstream    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                      Encoding: base64
>                            Name: ldmd.conf_downstream
>    ldmd.conf_downstream    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                        Encoding: base64
>                           Name: pqact.conf_upstream
>    pqact.conf_upstream    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                       Encoding: base64
>                             Name: pqact.conf_downstream
>    pqact.conf_downstream    Type: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
>                         Encoding: base64

Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
address@hidden                 P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/