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[LDM #CDE-681099]: Pqact.threddsradar

Hi Justin,

> Thank you for the detailed response, Tom.

No worries.

> I may just create a bash script to run on a cronjob that just
> moves the file and deletes the old file in the previous directory.

OK.  The same thing could be done with a simple addition to the
Perl script that we use for the TDS.

> If you guys happen to figure it out, great, but please don't worry
> about it. It's definitely not urgent and I don't wish to waste your
> time or others for something considered a minor priority.

For grins, I took a look at hhmmssRadarII.pl yesterday to see how
easy/hard it would be to generalize it for other's use.  Assuming
that the logic at the top of the script that processes command line
switches is functional, the job of modifying the script and associated
LDM pattern-action file actions does not appear to be too hard.  Are
you still interested in pursuing this?

> Thank you again for your time and previous assistance.

No worries.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CDE-681099
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed