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20000420: McIDAS-X, -XCD Addendum for ETA HR+60 storage and more... (cont.)

>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: NIU
>Keywords: 200004200431.WAA25836 McIDAS-X 7.611 addendum DSSERVE ADDE


re: Addenda are cumulative
>Good. Thanks!

re: stop using the McIDAS scheduler and switch to use of cron
>Uhhhhh...then how do I run my batch files? I've heard they don't work
>without McIDAS running...

What you have heard can now be considered to be ancient history.  McIDAS
commands have been able to be run from the Unix command line since
the release of Version 7.0.  There are, however, some rules that must
be followed in order to do this:

o the Unix session you want to run McIDAS commands from must have the
  McIDAS environment variables defined (e.g., MCDATA,MCPATH, MCGUI,
  MCTABLE_READ, MCTABLE_WRITE, PATH.  This is why we strongly recommend
  that users define these environment variables in the shell specific
  configuration file (.cshrc for C or Tcsh shells; .profile for Bourne
  shell, etc.)

o the user should CD to the $MCDATA directory

Try the following and see what I mean:

<login as 'mcidas'>

cd workdata
dataloc.k LIST

You will see that you will get the same output (more or less) as the
commands running from a McIDAS-X session.  The startup routine for McIDAS-X
(named mcidas) puts you in the $MCDATA directory and then starts the
session, so the sequence of events is essentially the same.

To learn more about how to run McIDAS commands from a shell script
(which then can be run from cron), please review:


re: which ADDE list of files from which you get data disappeared
>The latter two. That is, when I did a "BATCH GINIVIS.BAT" to get the
>latest G-8 image from you, it didn't know what adde.unidata.ucar.edu was.
>DATALOC LISt came up nada. Both my entries from you and NASA were gone!

Does your Unix login session have MCTABLE_WRITE defined to be:

setenv MCTABLE_WRITE "/home/mcidas/data/ADDESITE.TXT"

If not, you were not updating ~mcidas/data/ADDESITE.TXT when you ran
your DATALOC commands.  Again, ADDESITE.TXT is not overwritten or deleted
during a McIDAS installation or update.  In order for this file to be
deleted, a command that deleted it would have to be run.  A not uncommon
mistake might be to do a 'rm -f ~mcida/data/*'.  This would be a _bad_
thing to do!

re: your ADDE setup stuff should not have been toucned
>Wellllll...I dunno!

I don't either.

>Well, I was out today, my backup machine crashed. Will be upgrading to
>Redhat Linux 6.2 next week. Hope I won't have to reinstall everything... 

I upgraded from RedHat 5.2 to 6.1 with no problems in my McIDAS-X setup.

>Thanks again for all your help!

You are welcome.
