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20000803: McIDAS MCGUI mapping problem

>From: David Fitzgerald <address@hidden>
>Organization: Millersville University of Pennsylvania
>Keywords: 200008031759.e73HxiT13264 McIDAS MCGUI MAP VIRT9300


>I am still having trouble fixing the problem with getting the correct map to 
>display in McIDAS.

Bummer ;-)

>The problem only occurs when using the GUI and the map is automatically 
>displayed on the image.  If I add a map by hand (ie MAP H) it is correct.

OK, this should be an easy one.

>I ran DMAP VIRT and got this result:
>---- --------- ------------ -------- ---------
>-rw-    277528 May 01 17:35 VIRT9000 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    487324 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9010 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    447348 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9011 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    325156 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9012 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    147860 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9013 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    398904 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9014 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    411840 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9015 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    262180 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9016 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    197600 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9017 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    174404 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9018 /software/mcidas/data
>-r--    289828 Nov 25  1996 VIRT9019 /software/mcidas/data
>-rw-     77812 May 25 11:16 VIRT9300 .

I think that this is telling us what we want to know.  Notice that the time
stamp on VIRT9300 is old (May 25).  This file should be rewritten by the
MCGUI and/or Fkey interfaces, so its time stamp should be current.

You should check to make sure that teh copy of VIRT9300 that the system
is going to use (the one in '.', the current working directory) is
writable by the user trying to run the MCGUI.  If it is not, change it
so it is.  Then when you should see its timestamp change when you run
the MCGUI and put up an image or image loop.  By the way, I have seen
instances where the read/write permission on a file _looked_ like they
would allow writes by a user (the owner appeared to be the very same
user), but the file was not, in fact, writable.  This occurred when the
group of the user got changed after the file was created.  At that
point, the file belongs to a different user even though the user name
was the same (kinda complicated, but I think you get my drift).

>/software/mcidas is the home directory of the mcidas user account, and is NOT 
>writeable by anyone other than the mcidas user.  

OK.  The question is which user was running the MCGUI and getting the map

>My .cshrc file assigns the environment variables via the if block:
>if ( ! ${?MCPATH} )then
>setenv MCDATA ${HOME}/mcidas/data
>setenv MCPATH ${MCDATA}:/software/mcidas/data:/software/mcidas/help
>setenv MCGUI /software/mcidas/bin
>setenv MCTABLE_READ "${MCDATA}/MCTABLE.TXT;/software/mcidas/data/ADDSITE.TXT"

So the user is _not_ 'mcidas', at least these definitions say as much. Given
that, these look correct.

>Is this a problem with my path?

No, I am 99.9999% sure that it is a permission problem on VIRT9300.


Should be an easy one, but let me know if this is not the problem.
