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20010608: MCIDAS ADDE server access (cont.)

>From: Christian Page <address@hidden>
>Organization: Universite du Quebec a Montreal 
>Keywords: 200106070835.f578Zop28356 McIDAS ADDE servers


>I downloaded and installed the latest McIDAS-X 7.705 successfully.

Very good.

>I am
>still a McIDAS newbie, but I will go through the docs eventually.

You may want to work your way through the online McIDAS-X Learning Guide:


and the Unidata McIDAS Fall 2000 Workshop:


>I am
>a GEMPAK user also, and I wanted to get 1km imagery (GOES-8), and remap
>the data to a given projection I use in GEMPAK.

The servers I noted in my previous email do not have 1 km GOES-8
imagery in native projection.  The 1 km imager that is available, in
the GINIEAST dataset, has been remapped into Lambert Conformal

>Is it something that
>can be done, e.g. download GOES-8 1km data through ADDE, remap and crop
>the image to the projection I want to use in GEMPAK?

Yes.  Also, GEMPAK supports the GINI imagery directly.

>The GINIEAST is updated each 15-min?

The 1 km VIS products are updated every 15 minutes, yes.

>I already asked about METEOSAT data. I thought that it was available
>through NOAAPORT?

It is not at the present time.  It might be in the future, but I don't
know if/when it will be.

>Is it better to use LOCAL-DATA for all our data needs that are on IDD
>and rely on ADDE for the rest of the data?

Yes, the access to the data will be much quicker if you access it
locally.  One comment about LOCAL-DATA.  One can make one's data
available through the remote ADDE access method while still having the
data locally.  What I mean is one machine at your site might have the
data, and others might access that same data through the first machine
through the ADDE remote server running on that machine.  The dataset
location information would in this case not be LOCAL-DATA, but rather
something like IO.SCA.UQAM.CA.

>Is there a guidance on the use of data through ADDE?

I am unsure of what you are asking me.  Could you elaborate?

>I used successfully the GUI to set ADDE servers. I chose ADDE.UCAR.EDU,
>but I will switch to CACIMBO.GGY.UGA.EDU since the ping is 34ms instead
>of around 50ms for ADDE.UCAR.EDU. SNOW.PLYMOUTH.EDU seems to be the
>slowest one (100ms). All the others are around 55ms.

OK.  The access from a particular server will depend not only on the
network connectivity to that server, but also how fast the server is.
I think you will find that papagayo.unl.edu provides much faster access
to data than cacimbo.ggy.uga.edu, but the access times will be dynamic
depending on machine load.

>Thanks a lot for your help,

You are welcome.
