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20020311: GRIB to netcdf (cont.)

>From: "Hoeth, Brian" <address@hidden>
>Organization:  JSFC
>Keywords:  200202211951.g1LJpex01567 gribtonc


>Thanks for all the info!

No worries.

>When do you expect the new gribdec.tar.Z package
>to be finished?

I am hoping to be able to put together my 7.805 McIDAS addendum and
the new gribdec.tar.Z package next week (this week will be consumed
by meetings).

>Should I just check the unidata web page periodically or is
>there a mailing list I can get on?

I will announce the addendum and the new gribdec bundle to the mcidas-x
email list that we maintain.  Since I see that you are not subscribed to
this list, I would suggest doing so.  It has low volume (unfortunately),
so you will not be innundated with emails from its traffic.  You can
subscribe/unsubscribe to Unidata-maintained email lists online at:


>FYI, we DO have XCD, so I'm thinking
>you're tar package will fit nicely into our configuration.

I thought you did, but I wanted to make sure.

>I'll just need
>to figure out how to integrate it into our core XCD stuff since I usually
>build McIDAS and XCD per the SSEC install instructions.

As part of my getting new stuff out, I will be updating the CVS repository
at SSEC with my modifications.  Hopefully, they will make it into the
May upgrade from SSEC.  Other than that, you can build the gribdec.k
and grib2img.k executables outside of McIDAS-X/XCD.

>As for your Aside, you're kind of talking over my head, but I think what
>you're asking me is if you think you should develop something that will
>create navigation no matter what dimensions the grid has in the X and Y.
>I'm not quite sure what you mean by "creating navigation", but I say "go for

Sorry, I guess that since I was intently looking at the code, everyone
else must be also :-)  The point is that McIDAS has separate support for
Lambert Conformal secant (projection cone intersects the globe at two
latitudes) and tangent (projection cone intersects/touches the globe
at only one latitude).  The reason they have two different navigation
modules is historic.  A more general formulation of the navigation code
would allow for either secant or tangent projections in one navigation
module.  In a situation like this, GRDLIST wouldn't show some grids with
projection LAMB (secant) and others with TANC (tangent); they could all
be the same, something like LCC (Lambert Conformal Conic).

So, signup for the mcidas-x email list, and you get the notification of
the availability of the new gribdec.tar.Z pacakge.

One last thing: it would be useful for me to get a couple of the grids
(grib messages) that you need/want to decode into McIDAS GRID format.
This way, I can verify that the new gribdec package will work with them.



>From address@hidden Mon Mar 11 08:51:47 2002
>To: "'Unidata Support'" <address@hidden>
>Cc: "'Dee Wade' (E-mail)" <address@hidden>
>Subject: RE: 20020311: GRIB to netcdf (cont.) 

Thanks, as always, for your very detailed email Tom.  I'll send you some
sample GRIB files in a separate email.

Dee:  Is there a way that I can "coax" you into making sure that Tom's
updates to the GRIB decoder software make it into the SSEC McIDAS 7.9
release?  Read below ...

Brian Hoeth
Software Engineer, Lockheed Martin
CSOC - Consolidated Space Operations Contract
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX
Office:  281-218-2240
Pager:  281-613-1020

-----Original Message-----
From: Unidata Support [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 9:35 AM
To: Hoeth, Brian
Cc: address@hidden; address@hidden
Subject: 20020311: GRIB to netcdf (cont.) 

>From: "Hoeth, Brian" <address@hidden>
>Organization:  JSFC
>Keywords:  200202211951.g1LJpex01567 gribtonc


>Thanks for all the info!

No worries.

>When do you expect the new gribdec.tar.Z package
>to be finished?

I am hoping to be able to put together my 7.805 McIDAS addendum and
the new gribdec.tar.Z package next week (this week will be consumed
by meetings).

>Should I just check the unidata web page periodically or is
>there a mailing list I can get on?

I will announce the addendum and the new gribdec bundle to the mcidas-x
email list that we maintain.  Since I see that you are not subscribed to
this list, I would suggest doing so.  It has low volume (unfortunately),
so you will not be innundated with emails from its traffic.  You can
subscribe/unsubscribe to Unidata-maintained email lists online at:


>FYI, we DO have XCD, so I'm thinking
>you're tar package will fit nicely into our configuration.

I thought you did, but I wanted to make sure.

>I'll just need
>to figure out how to integrate it into our core XCD stuff since I usually
>build McIDAS and XCD per the SSEC install instructions.

As part of my getting new stuff out, I will be updating the CVS repository
at SSEC with my modifications.  Hopefully, they will make it into the
May upgrade from SSEC.  Other than that, you can build the gribdec.k
and grib2img.k executables outside of McIDAS-X/XCD.

>As for your Aside, you're kind of talking over my head, but I think what
>you're asking me is if you think you should develop something that will
>create navigation no matter what dimensions the grid has in the X and Y.
>I'm not quite sure what you mean by "creating navigation", but I say "go

Sorry, I guess that since I was intently looking at the code, everyone
else must be also :-)  The point is that McIDAS has separate support for
Lambert Conformal secant (projection cone intersects the globe at two
latitudes) and tangent (projection cone intersects/touches the globe
at only one latitude).  The reason they have two different navigation
modules is historic.  A more general formulation of the navigation code
would allow for either secant or tangent projections in one navigation
module.  In a situation like this, GRDLIST wouldn't show some grids with
projection LAMB (secant) and others with TANC (tangent); they could all
be the same, something like LCC (Lambert Conformal Conic).

So, signup for the mcidas-x email list, and you get the notification of
the availability of the new gribdec.tar.Z pacakge.

One last thing: it would be useful for me to get a couple of the grids
(grib messages) that you need/want to decode into McIDAS GRID format.
This way, I can verify that the new gribdec package will work with them.

