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20021028: Help with ADDE (cont.)

>From: "Paul L. Sirvatka" <address@hidden>
>Organization: COD
>Keywords: 200210252051.g9PKpRq26172 McIDAS ADDE NEXRCOMP


re: after setting up ADDE datasets with DSSERVE, check to see if they work

>OK I did all these things, DSINFO works fine but I get the following with
>the image list:
>Image file directory listing for:NEXRCOMP/1KN0R-NAT
> Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)
>     sensor                                 Lat  Lon
> --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------
>   0  DERIVED        0 JAN 00000  00:00:00

This shows that something is not right.
Please take a look at the following:

1) the value of DIRFILE= that you set in CODNEXC.BAT

   Better yet, look at the value that was actually set when you ran 


2) see what 'ls -alt value_you_set_dirfile_to' gives you for a list

>So when I try to sidplay anything it just does not work.

Until your IMGLIST listing shows valid information, there is no need to
try anything else.

>Nothing for time or for navigation.

>What have I done wrong?

That is not easy to say without more information.

>IS it on the decoder side? Here is the line in the pqact.conf file:

>FNEXRAD ^rad/NEXRCOMP/(...)/(...)_(........)_(....)
>        PIPE    -close pngg2gini -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log

I don't know what to make of this listing.  In particular, I am confused
by the last two lines.  The object of pngg2gini needs to be an expression
that defines the pathname for output files.

Perhaps you actually want your pqact.conf entry to look like:

FNEXRAD ^rad/NEXRCOMP/(...)/(...)_(........)_(....)
        PIPE    -close
        pngg2gini -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log

This entry (assuming tabs are used where necessary) says that you should
end up with output file pathnames that look like:


This means that your CODNEXC.BAT DSSERVE entries should look like:

DIRFILE=/home/data/mcidas/nport/RADAR/1km/n0r/n0r_* "1 km N0R US Base 
Reflectivity Composite
DIRFILE=/home/data/mcidas/nport/RADAR/2km/n1p/n1p_* "2 km N1P US 1-hr Precip. 
DIRFILE=/home/data/mcidas/nport/RADAR/4km/ntp/ntp_* "4 km NTP US Storm Total 
Precip. Composite

It also means that an 'ls /home/data/mcidas/nport/RADAR/1km/n0r/n0r_*'
should return back a list of files that will include:


If all of this is correct, things should work _if_ none of the files
decoded and stored by your pqact.conf entry are zero length.

>One more thing for now....HOw do I scour these directories since they are
>rather huge files! Is this done through the LDM?

Yes, this is done with the LDM.  In the anonymous FTP directory
pub/ldm5/scour on our FTP server, ftp.unidata.ucar.edu, you will find
four C shell scripts that are used to scour data.  The script
prune_nexrcomp.sh is designed to be:

o FTPed by you and placed in a directory in the PATH of the user running
  your LDM.  We recommend /usr/local/ldm/decoders or /usr/local/ldm/util
  (assuming that HOME for your 'ldm' user is /usr/local/ldm).

o set to be executable:

  cd ~ldm/util
  chmod +x prune_nexrcomp.csh

o edited to set where files to scour lie, and how many of them to keep:

setenv PATH /usr/local/ldm/util:${PATH}
set KEEP=12
if($#argv == 0) then
   set areadir=/usr/local/ldm/data/nexrad/NEXRCOMP
   set START_DATE=`date -u`
   set areadir=$1

  -> Change the 'setenv PATH' line to correctly identify the directory
     that prune_nexrcomp.csh is in, but don't delete the ${PATH}
     reference.  For instance, if the HOME directory of your 'ldm'
     user is /home/ldm, and if you put prune_nexrcomp.sh in the
     /home/ldm/util directory, and this directory is in the PATH
     of the user running the LDM, this would look like:

     setenv PATH /home/ldm/util:${PATH}

  -> Change 'set areadir=/usr/local/ldm/data/nexrad/NEXRCOMP' to correctly
     identify the top level directory you want to scour.  In your
     case, this would probably be:

     set areadir=/home/data/mcidas/nport/RADAR

  -> Change KEEP to the number of files that you want to scour down to.

o setup a crontab entry that runs the prune_nexrcomp.sh script.  We run
  this script at least once per hour since there are more-or-less
  6 of each kind of composite being decoded per hour, and, as you noted,
  the 1 km N0R composites are big
