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20030121: McIDAS IMGREMAP v2002a problems and IDD NIMAGE feed

>From: "Paul L. Sirvatka" <address@hidden>
>Organization: COD
>Keywords: 200301101430.h0AEU2t18460 McIDAS-X IMGREMAP trce IDD NIMAGE


re: IMGREMAP v2002a creates 'trce' files

>Yeah! I had been seeing those files and wondering what they were! I had
>deleted a few by hand and thought that they may have been created by the
>DEV=YYY keyword, although I could not conceive why they were so big!

The ability to tell the server to trace the process it goes through
while attempting to provide data is very useful for debugging.  This
capability is usually turned on by specifying the TRACE=1 keyword
sequence on various McIDAS ADDE commands.  For some reason, SSEC sent
out IMGREMAP with tracing turned on by default, and I did not catch the
problem until after my v2002a release.

re: ADDE might have been trying to write ~ldm/mcidas/data/trce, but
would fail since the directory ~ldm/mcidas/data did not exist

>That would make sense. It was trying to write to something that did not
>exist. Yet when I ran it as McIDAS is worked!

That was my line of reasoning as well.

re: updated imgremap.pgm and created a new imgremap.k in ~mcidas/bin
and created ~ldm/mcidas/data

>Yea!!! THat is it I am sure. That is a relief.

I feel pretty confident that was the problem as well.

>Thnigs have been running smoothly.


>BTW I have set up and have running the GINI stuff. Things were pretty
>straightforward once I got the feed.

Sounds great.

>Is UNL my only feed or do I have a failover?

The NIMAGE feed is not generally available, so UNL is you only feed for

>If you help, I can be a server to other sites too.

I can help you setup your ADDE services; this is very simple and
straightforward.  I don't think you have enough bandwidth to feed
NIMAGE products by the IDD, however.

>I have noticed a few weird things though and was wondering if you could
>shed some light.
>On the super-composites I notice that the east half updates but the west
>half does not. (Every 15 minutes) Are they sent together on a different

They are sent on different NOAAPORT channels, and so have different
headers in the IDD.

>Should I be using just channel 1 or 2 or both. 

This is your choice.

>Also...are these images sent every 15 or 20 minutes? I noticed a lot of
>skip...is that typical?

The Super National composites are nominally created every 15 minutes.
This can be verified with an IMGLIST of the GINIWEST/GWSN8KIR.ALL


Image file directory listing for:GINIWEST/GSN8KIR
 Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)
     sensor                                 Lat  Lon
 --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------
   1  G-10 IMG      21 JAN 03021  08:30:00    41 -174 4
   2  G-8 IMG       21 JAN 03021  08:45:00    41 -174 4
   3  G-10 IMG      21 JAN 03021  09:00:00    41 -174 4
   4  G-8 IMG       21 JAN 03021  09:15:00    41 -174 4
   5  G-10 IMG      21 JAN 03021  09:30:00    41 -174 4
   6  G-8 IMG       21 JAN 03021  09:45:00    41 -174 4
   7  G-10 IMG      21 JAN 03021  10:00:00    41 -174 4
   8  G-8 IMG       21 JAN 03021  10:15:00    41 -174 4


Image file directory listing for:GINIEAST/GSN8KIR
 Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)
     sensor                                 Lat  Lon
 --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------
   1  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  05:15:00    41 -174 4
   2  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  05:45:00    41 -174 4
   3  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  06:15:00    41 -174 4
   4  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  06:45:00    41 -174 4
   5  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  07:15:00    41 -174 4
   6  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  07:45:00    41 -174 4
   7  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  08:15:00    41 -174 4
   8  G-8 IMG       20 JAN 03020  08:45:00    41 -174 4

>Hope these questions are clear enough.

Please let me know if I misunderstood your question.


>From address@hidden Tue Jan 21 16:39:00 2003
>Subject: Re: 20030121: McIDAS IMGREMAP v2002a problems and IDD NIMAGE feed

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Unidata Support wrote:
> I can help you setup your ADDE services; this is very simple and
> straightforward.  I don't think you have enough bandwidth to feed
> NIMAGE products by the IDD, however.

That would probably be true...I will leave it up to you to determine what
we ought to do. I am pretty happy having all the images locally!

> >Also...are these images sent every 15 or 20 minutes? I noticed a lot of
> >skip...is that typical?

So...the composites are created every 15 minutes. But the "newness" of the
whole image is a function of whether the east or west came in in that 15
minutes interval. The east and west have been bad lately so that probably
explains why they are bad.

SO to do a loop I want one or the other...not both? That would mean an
*entirely* new image is created only once every half hour...

I think I get it!


* Paul L. Sirvatka          | Office: (630) 942-2118; Lab: (630) 942-2590    *
* Professor of Meteorology  | COD Weather Lab: (630) 858-0032                * 
* College of DuPage         | Address: 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 *  