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[McIDAS #MHL-637032]: question about imgremap

Hi Yi,

> under both 'ldm' and 'mcidas':
> dataloc.k LIST NEXRCOMP
> Group Name                    Server IP Address
> --------------------         ----------------------------------------
> NEXRCOMP                     <LOCAL-DATA>
> <LOCAL-DATA> indicates that data will be accessed from the local data 
> directory.
> DATALOC -- done
> I further checked imglist.k
> [ldm@unidata data]$ imglist.k NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT
> Image file directory listing for:NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT
> imglist.k: error generating list of files
> imglist.k: done
> [mcidas@unidata ~]$ imglist.k NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT
> Image file directory listing for:NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT
> It just stays blank with no more message.
> The program used to work perfectly. I really don't know what mistake I or 
> someone else did.

I logged onto your machine and took a quick look.  Here is what I found:

- the copy of RESOLV.SRV (the ADDE dataset definition repository) being
  used by your mcrunNEXRAD.sh script is the one in ~ldm/mcidas/data.

- the definition for the NEXRCOMP dataset in the copy of RESOLV.SRV being
  used points to a directory that does not exist:

 km NTP US StormTotalPrecip Composite,

  The DIRFILE specification here is 
  The directory that the US total precipitation composites are located in is:


- there are thousands of files in the  
  directory.  Scouring needs to be setup to remove old, unneeded ones before you
  run out of disk space.  I didn't check other directories, but I suspect
  that scouring will need to be done there as well.


1) you (re)created an ADDE dataset definition for NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT in
   the 'mcidas' account.  That would set/change the definition in

2) at some point in the past, someone created a copy of RESOLV.SRV in the 
   ~ldm/mcidas/data directory

3) the definition of MCPATH in your mcrunNEXRAD.sh file is:


   The directories in MCPATH are searched from left to right
   by McIDAS when looking for data and ancillary data files.
   RESOLV.SRV fits in the category of an ancillary data file,
   so the copy that will be found and used is the one in
   ~ldm/mcidas/data, not the one in ~mcidas/workdata.

4) the ADDE dataset definition for NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT in
   ~ldm/mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV points to a directory that
   does not exist, so no files are found.

5) someone needs to setup some data scouring of files being
   ingested by the LDM or you will run out of disk space.


- delete or rename the copy of RESOLV.SRV in ~ldm/mcidas/data.
  If this file is renamed or deleted, the copy of RESOLV.SRV
  in ~mcidas/workdata will be used since it will be the first
  one found in directories specified in mcrunNEXRAD.sh's MCPATH.

- OR, you could edit ~ldm/mcidas/data/RESOLV.SRV and change the
  specification for NEXRCOMP/4KNTP-NAT so that it matches the
  location of your NTP composite images.

As soon as either of these changes is made, your script should
start working.

> Thank you!

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MHL-637032
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed