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[McIDAS #KUC-159541]: Memory errors with GINI Local Server in McIDAS-X

Hi Jess,

re: use Unidata McIDAS-X?
> Unfortunately, with the rules here, I cannot try out the Unidata
> version.

Too bad, this would make my life easier...

> If you have a chance sometime to get a SSEC compatible version
> working, that would be great.

I spent some time yesterday comparing the SSEC v2011.1 and Unidata
v2009k versions of source code used/needed for GINI ADDE serving;
the list includes:

servutil.c   (maybe not for GINI, but definitely for NEXRAD Level III)

If I send you updated code for all 5 routines, will you be able to
incorporate them into your McIDAS installation (i.e., rebuild
libsdi.a, libmcidas.a, giniadir and giniaget)?

Or, do your restrictions mandate that the software mods come in the
form of an SSEC addendum/new distribution?

If you can incorporate my mods into your code, I will send you the
code sometime before COB today or tomorrow morning.

> Thanks for all of your help.

No worries.  Your note has strongly reminded me that I need to check-in
my GINI mods in the SSEC McIDAS CVS repository.  I will do that today
or tomorrow also.


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KUC-159541
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed