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Re: netcdf-java 2.2.10 problem

Bob Simons wrote:

Other comments from a 2.2 newbie:

Your web site (http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/index.htm) says "The latest version of 1.4.2 is recommended." Given that security alerts have been issued for older versions of Java (see http://www.computerworld.com/securitytopics/security/story/0,10801,106607,00.html?source=NLT_APP2&nid=106607), we should all be using newer versions of Java. It would be nice if you wrote to the Java 1.4 API but supported compilation and use with Java 1.4 and 1.5. You probably do that, so it would be nice if you said so and recommended the latest 1.5 version of Java.

Well, I hadnt been considering it from a security POV, just from what we have 
tested. Those particular 3 flaws mentioned all have to do with untrusted 
applets, but we dont allow applets, trusted or not anywhere. Still, if you know 
that 1.5 is more secure, I will certainly include that in our recommendation.

Im 99% sure you can use the existing netcdf jars in a 1.5 environment.

The User's Guide has more information about Netcdf version 3 vs 4 than the JavaDocs (which seem to say nothing). It would be nice if the JavaDoc for NetcdfFile said, "Use the static NetcdfFile.open methods to open a local netCDF (version 3 or 4) file, and most HDF5 files. See NetcdfDataset.open for more general reading capabilities, including OpenDAP and NcML." Actually, it would be nice if all the information in the User's Guide for NetcdfFile were in the JavaDoc.

The Users Guide is so out of date is almost unusable. I hope to update it soon, 
but dont hold your breath. Sorry about that.

It would be nice if the JavaDoc for NetcdfFileWriteable said "This class just creates NetCDF 3 files." Actually, it would be nice if all the information in the User's Guide for NetcdfFileWriteable were in the JavaDoc.

good idea.

It would be nice if the JavaDoc for NetcdfFile identified features which are new to netCDF4, so that when we want to write netCDF3 files, we can avoid those features.

good idea. I hope to get back to the netcdf-4 project soon.

Just curious: if NetcdfFile is for read-only use of the files, why are there all those methods for "add"ing things to the file?

We construct Netcdf files from other packages (eg ucar.nc2.iosp.*) so 
unfortunatley these had to be made public.

I don't mean to complain so much. In general, I like all these classes and their documentation.

I appreciate your comments, and I'll try to take them into account next time i 
am documenting.
