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[noaaport] NOAAport move to Galaxy 31 question

Hello everyone,

I was just told by Jim Glenn, who is in charge of the NOAAport move from Galaxy 28 to Galaxy 31 that they began passing NOAAport data across G31 yesterday. However, I am not seeing it here at the College of DuPage. I am seeing a reasonably strong signal:

Satellite Interface Settings:


        Receiver MAC Address:   00-06-76-05-02-d6

        Receiver Mode:          DVBS2

        Frequency:              1130.0 MHz

        Symbol Rate:            30.001 Msps (Auto)

        ModCod:                 2/3 16APSK

        Gold code:              0

        Input Stream Filter:    On

        Input Stream ID:        18


        Signal Lock:            On

        Data Lock:              On

        Uncorrectable Rate:     0/Second

        Packet Error Rate:      1.0000e+01


        Carrier to Noise C/N:   14.3dB

        Signal Strength:        -35 dBm


        Carrier to Noise C/N:   14.2dB

        Signal Strength:        -35 dBm


  • show lnb


        LNB Power:              On

       LNB Status:             Normal

        Voltage Range:          13-18v

        Long Line:              Off

        Polarization:           Vertical/Right

        22KHz Tone:             Off


Does anyone see anything wrong here?

Gilbert Sebenste

Meteorology Support Analyst

College of DuPage


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