NSF Unidata
at EER
Join Instructional Designer Nicole Corbin and AI/ML Software Engineer Thomas Martin all week at the Rendezvous!
Friday Poster Session
Friday, July 19 3:00pm-4:00pm ET
SERC Building - Atrium | Poster #16
Software and
NSF Unidata makes a wide variety of software and services available to the education and research community at no cost. We create and support free, open source software to access, manage, and analyze all sorts of Earth Systems Science data.

Scientific Data FormatNetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. It is also a community standard for sharing scientific data.

3D VisualizationThe Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) is a freely available 3D Earth Systems Science visualization and analysis tool that gives users the ability to view and analyze a rich set of Earth Systems Science data in an integrated fashion.

Python Tools for Atmospheric ScienceMetPy is a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing, and performing calculations with weather data. MetPy aims to mesh well with the rest of the scientific Python ecosystem, including the Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib projects, adding functionality specific to meteorology.

Science Gateway
Cloud-based ResourcesThe NSF Unidata Science Gateway lets researchers, educators, and students experiment with using cloud-based resources in the classroom or to create end-to-end scientific workflows.

THREDDS Data Server
Remote Data AccessThe THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using a variety of remote data access protocols. The TDS can aggregate a collection of datasets into a single virtual dataset, greatly simplifying user access to that data collection.

Operational-grade ForecastingThe Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System is a meteorological display and analysis package used by the National Weather Service, modified and repackaged by NSF Unidata to support non-operational use in research and education by UCAR member institutions.

Other NSF Unidata Software
See all our projectsIn an era of increasing data complexity, accessibility, and multidisciplinary integration, NSF Unidata provides a rich set of software tools to access and visualize data.
NSF Unidata
NSF Unidata organizes a variety of programs aimed at bringing together and supporting the Earth Systems Science education and research community.
Learning Experiences
Learn to use software and dataNSF Unidata offers technical support for all of the software it makes available to the education and research community. In addition, we offer a variety of learning experiences including software training in partnership with academic institutions and scientific conferences.
NSF Unidata hosts a selection of freely available asynchronous learning materials on NSF Unidata eLearning and YouTube.
with the NSF Unidata CommunityNSF Unidata participates in a wide variety of projects with the aim of helping to make data and tools available to a broader, more diverse audience. Our work with community members ranges from management of the Internet Data Distribution (IDD) network, which allows universities and research agencies to seamlessly share data in near real time, to working with professors to provide students with computing resources via the NSF Unidata Science Gateway, to other activities aimed at sharing tools and data.
Equipment Award Grants
Need gear?The NSF Unidata Community Equipment Award grants program provides resources for educational institutions to purchase computing equipment that will let them take advantage of NSF Unidata technologies for education and research. The goal is to encourage new members from diverse disciplinary backgrounds in the Earth Systems Sciences to join the NSF Unidata community, and for existing members to continue their active participation so as to enhance the community process.
Several grants of up to $20,000 are awarded each year.
NSF Unidata
Write to us any time at support@unidata.ucar.edu for support with Unidata software and services, access to data, internships, and community programs.