2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > libcf: A New Library for CF Conventions Support
10.0 LibCF, the NetCDF Library for the Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions
The new LibCF library supports the Climate and Forecast Conventions
for metadata.
- The NetCDF
Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions document (v1.0,
Oct., 2003) describes a set of conventions for an important class of netCDF data.
- Conventions were developed by Brian Eaton (NCAR), Jonathan Gregory
(Hadley Centre, UK Met Office), Bob Drach (PCMDI, LLNL), Karl Taylor
(PCMDI, LLNL), and Steve Hankin (PMEL, NOAA).
- Climate user community seems to be adopting CF as the de-facto
standard way to store and share climate dataset.
- CF conventions are evolving, and a CF goverance structure manages
the growth and development of CF.
- New extensions to handle new categories of data are under
review. LibCF is playing a part in this process.
- We invite you to contribute any freeware code you may have (or may
write) in to handle the CF conventions.
2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > libcf: A New Library for CF Conventions Support