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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > Remote Access to Datasets Through netCDF-3

10.0 What Does Remote Access Mean?
  • Remote access allows the netcdf library to access and present data that is stored on other machines in the web.
  • Approach 1: Copy the remote data using e.g. FTP or HTTP.
    1. Great if the data is already a .nc file
    2. Otherwise, install appropriate conversion programs to convert to netcdf format (tedious and error prone)
  • Approach 2: Let others do the work for you
    1. You access a remote machine asking it for some dataset
    2. The dataset is converted to a standard form (called DAP)
    3. The DAP formatted data is returned
    4. The netcdf library converts the DAP data to netcdf data
  • Caveat: DAP access must be enabled when netCDF-3 was compiled
  • Caveat: DAP provides READ-ONLY access to data
  • Notional Data Flow Diagram


    Previous: Remote Access to Datasets Through netCDF-3 Next: The (OPeN)DAP protocol: A word from our Sponsor :-) Table of contents Frames User guide
    2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > Remote Access to Datasets Through netCDF-3