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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers

13 Parallel I/O with NetCDF
Using parallel I/O can result in significant performance improvements in high performance computing applications.

13.0  Parallel I/O
A diagram to help explain parallel netCDF.
13.1  Introduction to Parallel I/O
Parallel I/O allows many processes to read/write netCDF data at the same time.
13.2  The pNetCDF Package
The pnetcdf package from Argonne and Northwestern can be used for parallel I/O with classic netCDF data.
13.3  Parallel I/O in NetCDF-4
NetCDF-4 exposes the parallel I/O features of HDF5.
13.4  Building NetCDF-4 with Parallel I/O
You must build netCDF-4 properly to take advantage of parallel features.
13.5  Using Parallel I/O in NetCDF-4
How to actually use parallel I/O in netCDF-4.
13.6  Collective and Independent Operations with Parallel I/O in NetCDF-4
Some netCDF operations are collective (must be done by all processes at the same time), and others are independent (can be done by any process at any time.)
13.7  Parallel I/O Example
This example is from nc_test4/tst_parallel.c, and is run by make check on platforms with MPI/IO support.
13.8  Example of Simple Parallel I/O Access
The nc_test4/tst_parallel3.c program provides an example of parallel I/O.
13.9  Example of Simple Parallel I/O Access (part 2)
The nc_test4/tst_parallel3.c program provides an example of parallel I/O.


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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers