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2009 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > libcf: A New Library for CF Conventions Support

8.7 Time Functions in LibCF
LibCF includes some functions to help deal with the time dimension.


   /* Define a time coordinate variable and dimension. */
   int nccf_def_time(int ncid, const char *name, size_t len, nc_type xtype, 
		     const char *units, const char *standard_name, 
		     int *time_dimidp, int *time_varidp);

   /* Inquire about a time dimension and coordinate variable. */
   int nccf_inq_time(int ncid, char *name, size_t *lenp, nc_type *xtypep, 
		     int *time_dimidp, int *time_varidp);


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2009 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > libcf: A New Library for CF Conventions Support