2009 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > Formats and Performance
13.4 Classic API Performance Tips
Avoid premature optimization: worry about
performance only after you determine netCDF I/O is a
- Improving performance sometimes involves trade offs
between time and space:
- faster access time by using more storage space, for example
storing sparse structures by ignoring their sparseness
- less storage space with slower access time, for example
packing ragged array in single list with
separate index marking where each row starts
- If disk or network bandwidth is the bottleneck, smaller can also
be faster.
- See tomorrow's sessions on netCDF-4 for time and space
performance improvements made possible by the use of HDF-5 as a
storage layer.
2009 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > Formats and Performance