23.0 |
Using User Defined Types
User-defined types can be used to store N-dimensional arrays structs, variable length arrays, enumerations, and opaque data ojects of known size. |
23.1 |
Writing and Reading Data of User Defined Type
Use these functions to read or write data of user defined type. |
23.2 |
Learning about User Defined Types
Inquiry functions in netCDF-4 allow users to learn about user-defined types when reading a file. |
23.3 |
Introduction to Compound Types
Use compound types to group data together. |
23.4 |
Compound Type CDL Example
This CDL exampls shows a compound type. |
23.5 |
Using Compound Types
Compound types can store arrays of structures. |
23.6 |
Using Enums
The enumerated type can associate labels with names. |
23.7 |
Uses of Enumerations
What are the uses for enum data? |
23.8 |
Enum CDL Example
A CDL example shows enumerations which classify cloud types. |
23.9 |
Enum Example
This example shows how to use enums from the C API. |
23.10 |
Using the Opaque Type
The opaque type holds arrays of unknown contents, with known size. |
23.11 |
Variable-Length Types
Variable-Length types provide support for ragged arrays. |
23.12 |
Introuction to Variable Length Types
Variable length array types allow for the storage of ragged arrays. |
23.13 |
CDL Example of Variable-Length Types
This CDL example shows a 1D VLEN array. |
23.14 |
CDL Example of Nested Variable-Length Types
This CDL example shows nested VLENs. |
23.15 |
Variable Length C Example
This example shows the use of a VLEN type as an attribute. |
23.16 |
Using Variable Length Types, Continued
Memory for variable length array data is allocated by the library when they are read, and must be freed by the user. |
23.17 |
Sea Sounding Example Code
23.18 |
Sea Sounding Example
The ncdump output shows the type defined by nc_test4/cdm_sea_soundings.c. |