2010 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > NetCDF Utilities
5.12 Other NetCDF Utilities
Many other useful netCDF utilities developed by
third parties are available, for example
NCO, and
CDO packages.
The Java ToolsUI utility is described in the
netCDF Java session.
Here are a few of the many special-purpose utilities available for
netCDF data:
- ncks
(netCDF kitchen sink), part of the NCO package, is a versatile
utility for extracting subsets
of data, displaying netCDF data as text, converting among the
netCDF format variants, and other operations.
- nccmp compares
two netCDF files either bit-wise or with a
user-defined tolerance.
- cdfsync synchronizes a set of netCDF files over a network
quickly by only transmitting differences between files
- ncensemble computes ensemble statistics.
- ncregrid rediscretizes geo-data variables to grids of
different resolutions.
For additional utility software, consult Unidata's Software for Manipulating or Displaying NetCDF Data or
ARM's list of
ARM-tested netCDF data tools, which includes some downloadable binaries.
2010 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > NetCDF Utilities