2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > Third-party netCDF packages: NCO, NCL, CDO
26.4 Climate Data Operators (CDO)
A collection of command-line operators to manipulate and analyze
climate and numerical weather prediction data; includes support for
netCDF-3, netCDF-4 and GRIB1, GRIB2, and other formats.
CDO can also be used to analyze gridded data not related to climate
CDO provides more than 350 operators, including
- File information and file operations
- Selection and Comparision
- Modification of meta data
- Arithmetic operations
- Statistical analysis
- Regression and Interpolation
- Vector and spectral Transformations
- Formatted I/O
- Climate indices
As an example of use of CDO, converting
from GRIB to netCDF can be as simple as
cdo -f nc copy file.grb file.nc
More information is available on the CDO homepage.
2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > Third-party netCDF packages: NCO, NCL, CDO