2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > NetCDF Utilities
6.8 Common Data Model utilities
The netCDF-Java package includes some additional useful utilities.
These utilities include ncdump,
nccopy, nccompare, and
FeatureScan. The documentation provides details on use.
These Java programs offer the following additional features not
currently available with the C utilities:
- The input need not be a netCDF file, but can be any CDM dataset, for
example HDF5, GRIB, NEXRAD, or any dataset served through the
OPeNDAP protocol.
- ncdump can output NcML instead of CDL, and can show data for
sections of variables
- nccompare can compare metadata of two files for "semantic
equivalence" and can optionally also compare data
- FeatureScan scans files in a directory (and
optionally subdirectories recursively) to
report if they are CDM files
2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > NetCDF Utilities