Here's a weird thing - it looks like the forecast hours that were missing, are eventually coming through at seemingly random times later on.
My 12 UTC and 18 UTC 1 deg GFS runs from today now look complete, but for the 12 UTC run, while most of the data came in between 9:30 and 11:07 AM CST (1530-1707 UTC), the 72h forecast data came in around 00 UTC 25, the 96h forecast data came in around 0337
UTC 25, the 126 came in around 1920 UTC 24, the 189h came in around 1921 UTC 24, 240h came in at 0330 UTC 25,etc..
Maybe that's a clue?
Pete ----- From: conduit <address@hidden> on behalf of Pete Pokrandt via conduit <address@hidden>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2019 4:56 PM To: Leuthold, Michael S - (leuthold) <address@hidden>; address@hidden <address@hidden> Subject: Re: [conduit] 20191123: Spotty CONDUIT reception last 24 hours
At UW-Madison AOS (we feed direct from NCEP) we continue to see complete forecast hours for the hours that come through, but many (half a dozen is typical) completely missing forecast hours.
Hopefully someone can take a look on the NCEP end on Monday.
----- From: conduit <address@hidden> on behalf of Leuthold, Michael S - (leuthold) <address@hidden>
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2019 12:20 PM To: address@hidden <address@hidden> Subject: Re: [conduit] 20191123: Spotty CONDUIT reception last 24 hours Arizona is also missing Conduit files. Our primary feed is Unidata.
Mike On 11/23/2019 11:06 AM, Tyle, Kevin R wrote:
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