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[conduit] NDFD stopped flowing over CONDUIT at 14z 15 August?

Howdy All,

I have not seen any NDFD data over CONDUIT since about 14z on the 15th.  Others 
noticing the same?  Maybe this coincident RFC is at play?

RFC 13068 - Decommission CCBN (a non-SBN (Satellite Broadcast Network)
AWIPS feed) DBNet pushes on all dataflow systems, including CCBN pushes
and connections. CCBN is no longer used, so NCO/HPC/Dataflow is removing
already decommissioned processes from DBNet and LDM process documents
(parsing.tbl, scp.tbl, ldmd.conf, etc.). To be implemented on August 14
(WCOSS2 production system and College Park VMs ncocf-ops-dbnet{1,2}) and
August 15 (WCOSS2 non-production system and Boulder VMs grb-ops-ldm{1,2})
from 1300Z to 1500Z each day.

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