Hi Tom, This is really great news! I have just sent an e-mail to Richard Garey and I will take a look at the data as soon as I can. And I will be sure to let you know if it will be sufficient for my needs. More soon, and thanks! Owen Tom Yoksas wrote: From: Owen Cooper <address@hidden> Organization: Aeronomy Laboratory/NOAA Keywords: 200505261958.j4QJw7P4015501 IDD POESHi Owen Jim Steenburgh, the chairman of the Unidata Users Committee, sent a request through Linda Miller of the UPC to me for information on your request for delivery of POES data through the IDD. First, let me assure you that the activity you propose is of great interest to me personally, so I am motivated to help you find access to the data you need! The notion of delivering POES data through the IDD has been around for several years. Since the obstacles to distributing the data in this manner are many -- cost for access to the data; choosing the coverage to be delivered; etc. --, and since the demand for the data by the Unidata user community has never been large, we elected to not actively pursue delivery of POES data through the IDD. Instead, we have been working to encourage centers that have realtime POES data holdings to make their holdings available free-of-charge to the research and education community using remote access technologies (e.g., McIDAS ADDE and OPeNDAP). I made a plea for free and open access to POES and ultimately NPOESS data at the NPOESS training meeting that was held in the COMET facilities at the end of May. I was pleased that my request for access to the data for the education and research community was not taken lightly. I was most happy to see that Jim Gurka (NOAA/NESDIS, the program chair for the GOES-R user conferences) was actively taking notes and nodding his head in agreement while I outlined how opening access to the data would spur its use in the Unidata university community. I can also report that I have been working with Volker Guertner, the head of User Training at EUMETSAT to develop a strategy whose ultimate goal is provision of free and open access to realtime EUMETSAT satellite imagery. This effort will likely take some time given the rigid data policy currently in place at EUMETSAT, but we will continue to try. So, where does that leave your request? The best I can offer, and I am convinced that this will get you access to the data that you need, is contact infomation for someone in NOAA that should be able to provide you with an application for access to realtime POES, GOES, GMS (currently GOES-9), and METEOSAT data from a McIDAS ADDE server at SATEPS. The information I am forwarding was given to me by a friend, fellow McIDAS user, and MUG meeting regular, Brian Hughes: From: "Brian Hughes" <address@hidden> To: Tom Yoksas <address@hidden> Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 17:07:43 GMT They will need to contact Richard Garey (address@hidden) to obtain an application. They would then fill out the application and return it to Richard to gain access. -Brian H. ~~~ Brian K. Hughes Physical Scientist and Systems Team Lead Satellite Analysis Branch NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Services Division 5200 Auth Rd. E/SP23 WWB Rm. 607 Camp Springs, Maryland 20746 (301) 763-8051 x106 (202) 409-8629 address@hidden http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/ The Unidata Program Center went through the same process as you will be required to complete to get access to the SATEPS ADDE servers; I can assure you that it was easy. All we had to do was "document" (list) that we have active collaborations with NOAA. As soon as we filled out a form and I listed several of our collaborations, we were provided with access to the servers for three IP addresses (they don't give carte blanche access). The other freely available data holding that you should be taking advangage of (if you are not already) is the ADDE MODIS server operated by NASA: ADDE dataset group name: NANUK ADDE server: nanuk.eosdis.nasa.gov I just listed out a snippit of their Aqua holdings in McIDAS: DATALOC ADD NANUK nanuk.eosdis.nasa.gov DSINFO IMAGE NANUK Dataset Names of Type: IMAGE in Group: NANUK Name NumPos Content ------------ ------ -------------------------------------- Aqua_1KM 9999 Aqua 1 kilometer resolution Calibrated Radiances Aqua_HKM 9999 Aqua 500 meter resolution Calibrated Radiances Aqua_QKM 9999 Aqua 250 meter resolution Calibrated Radiances Terra_1KM 9999 Terra 1 kilometer resolution Calibrated Radiances Terra_HKM 9999 Terra 500 meter resolution Calibrated Radiances Terra_QKM 9999 Terra 250 meter resolution Calibrated Radiances DSINFO -- done IMGLIST NANUK/Aqua_1KM.-10 Image file directory listing for:NANUK/Aqua_1KM Pos Satellite/ Date Time Center Band(s) sensor Lat Lon --- ------------- ------------ -------- ---- ---- ------------ 817 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 18:25:00 12 76 1-38 816 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 18:20:00 -7 72 1-38 815 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 18:15:00 -25 68 1-38 814 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 18:10:00 -43 63 1-38 813 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 18:05:00 -60 54 1-38 812 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 18:00:00 -77 30 1-38 811 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 17:55:00 -79 -66 1-38 810 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 17:50:00 -63 -98 1-38 809 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 17:45:00 -46 -108 1-38 808 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 17:40:00 -28 -113 1-38 807 AQUA-L1B 9 JUN 05160 17:35:00 -10 -117 1-38 IMGLIST: done NB: at one point in the past, the ADDE server on nanuk.eosdis.nasa.gov only supported uncompressed data transfers. My quick check of data availability shows that it now supports _at least_ GZIP compressed data transfers. Please let us (Jim, Linda, and me) know if access to the data on the NOAA/NESDIS SATEPS servers and NASA's nanuk is sufficient for your project. >> -------- Original Message -------- >> Subject: POES data from UNIDATA >> Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 11:30:23 -0600 >> From: Owen Cooper <address@hidden> >> Reply-To: address@hidden >> Organization: Aeronomy Laboratory/NOAA >> To: address@hidden > >Dear Jim, > >Hello, this is Owen Cooper at the University of Colorado. I've been using >MCIDAS since my early graduate student days (1994) at the University of >Virginia when Jennie Moody introduced me to the software. Since then I've >used MCIDAS to help identify weather systems that transport pollution >around the globe. Up until now the GOES imagery that I receive through >our LDM (plus METEOSAT and GMS-5 data that I periodically receive from >U. of Wisconsin) have been sufficient. But now I have a need for POES >data, and I am writing to you to see how I can work with the UNIDATA >Users Committee to arrange for internet delivery of POES data via the >UNIDATA datastream. > >In 2007-2008 an international consortium of universities and government >agencies is planning to conduct the International Polar Year experiment >over the Arctic. The primary goal is to quantify the radiative impact of >trace gases and aerosols transported to the Arctic and their possible >contribution to pollutant deposition in the region. Climate change in >this region is of great concern because of the rapid warming that is >occurring there. > >I would like to use the POES data to create Arctic composite images using >IR, WV and visible imagery (similar to the Antarctic composite already >available from UNIDATA). These composites will show how cloud cover >changes over the Arctic on hourly, daily and seasonal time frames. Not >only will they be used in post-mission analyses but I hope that I can >produce them in near real-time to assist with the flight planning of >the research aircraft that will sample the air pollutants above >the Arctic during the experiment (I had great success with MCIDAS GOES >imagery during the real-time flight planning of the NOAA research >aircraft for the recent ICARTT air pollution study in New Hampshire). > >I would greatly appreciate any information you can send my way on how I >should proceed with my request. >With best regards >Owen > >> *********************************************************** >> *** NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: address@hidden ***** >> *********************************************************** >> >> Owen R. Cooper >> Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) >> University of Colorado/NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory >> >> NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, R/AL4 >> 325 Broadway >> Boulder CO 80305 >> ph: (303) 497-3599 >> fax: (303) 497-5686 Cheers, Tom -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program * * (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 * * address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 * * Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- *********************************************************** *** NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS: address@hidden ***** *********************************************************** Owen R. Cooper Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) University of Colorado/NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, R/AL4 325 Broadway Boulder CO 80305 ph: (303) 497-3599 fax: (303) 497-5686 *********************************************************** The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. *********************************************************** |