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[netCDF #EYQ-991906]: NetCDF-4.2 building issues

I'm afraid the config.log file did not come through.  NetCDF-C 4.2 is quite 
old, but I would be happy to help, if you wouldn't mind re-sending the 
config.log file.

Thanks, have a good day,


> Good afternoon,
> I am currently trying to install NetCDF-4.2 and the Fortran libraries
> following the "Building with shared libraries" steps
> (https://docs.unidata.ucar.edu/netcdf-c/current/building_netcdf_fortran.html).
> I have some issues at the 5th step with a main error: "configure: error:
> netcdf.h could not be found. Please set CPPFLAGS.".
> As mentioned in the webpage, I attached the config.log file.
> Do you have an idea why the building is not working?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Yann Leseigneur.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ LATMOS
> Office 1145
> OVSQ, 78280 Guyancourt, France
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: EYQ-991906
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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