Re: [cf-satellite] cf-satellite prototype beta

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On 24/08/10 08:07, Martin Raspaud wrote:
> - Wavelength: we find it necessary to add the minimum and maximum wavelength
> (spectral range) to the metadata. We think it is not enough just to specify 
> one
> wavelength for a band.

If you're getting into details, it might be useful to define what's
meant by minimum and maximum - presumably the response isn't tightly
bounded but tails off?

> - Geolocalization: we have quite a lot of data that is easily represented on a
> grid, but the CF-convention requires the grid of lons and lats to be 
> calculated.
> This is of course highly inconvenient for fixed grids (from a data storage and
> transfer perspective). We suggest adding a proj-string (proj.4 string

As I understand it, the CF convention allows you to specify regular
grids as two 1D lat and long coordinate axes.  If you've got that case,
the data storage isn't as bad as full 2D grids.

On 25/08/10 08:32, Martin Raspaud wrote:
> I agree with you that including lat/lon is useless when providing a
> projection. A software not knowing how to deal with projections would
> probably not do anything usefull with lon/lats anyway...

It can be useful for those of us who are too lazy to implement the
computations ;)



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