Re: [idvdevelopers] Proposed change to menu items in Displays tab of Dashboard

Which brings to mind the line from Amadeus -

Emperor Joseph II <>: My
dear young man, don't take it too hard. Your work is ingenious. It's
quality work. And there are simply too many notes, that's all. Just cut a
few and it will be perfect.

Mozart <>: Which few did
you have in mind, Majesty?


On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) <
don.murray@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Tommy-
> Inconsistencies should be fixed where possible.  Some displays have
> ViewManagers (cross section control), others don't (Data Probe/Time
> Series).  So any of those that have ViewManagers should have a tab in the
> control's properties and quick access through the View menu.  Those that
> don't have ViewManagers should only have menus for changing properties in
> the View menu.
> I'm not adverse to removing the tabs from the Properties dialog.  I added
> access in the View Menu because it was quicker than bringing up the
> Properties dialog.
> However, be advised that some users are used to having certain
> functionality in certain places since it's been there for years.  Does it
> really cause a problem to have it in both places?
> I think there are much bigger performance and new functionality items that
> should be addressed before mucking around with menus and tabs.
> But that's your call these days.
> Don
> On 7/16/14, 4:53 PM, Tommy Jasmin wrote:
>> On 6/30/14, 12:00 PM, Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) wrote:
>>> On 6/30/14, 10:30 AM, Bob Carp wrote:
>>>> Hello IDV Developers -
>>>> This email is in regards to redundant Properties menu items in the
>>>> Displays tab of the Dashboard for display types that display in this tab
>>>> (through the View and Edit menus).
>>>> For example, here are displays where you can get to the same properties
>>>> through both View and Edit:
>>>>   * Hovmoller, Vertical Cross Sections, Time/Height, Data Transect
>>>>   * For example, under Edit>Properties for Hovmoller, there is a
>>>>     'Hovmoller View' tab.  This same tab is also under the Edit menu.
>>>> Here is the display where you can get to the Displays properties through
>>>> only Edit:
>>>>   * Skew-T
>>>> Here are displays where you can get to the Displays properties through
>>>> only View:
>>>>   * Data Probe/Time Series, Vertical Profile
>>>> For consistency purposes, we are proposing that the Edit>Properties for
>>>> the Displays properties should be removed, and the Displays properties
>>>> should only be under View.  Here are our reasons for this change:
>>>>   * There are already a lot of menu items in the Displays tab, so this
>>>>     would help clean things up a bit
>>>>   * Some display types (Data Probe/Time Series and Vertical Profile) can
>>>>     only have properties under View since you can have multiple
>>>>     charts/profiles in the same Displays tab.  If under Edit, there
>>>>     would only be one properties window to control all of the
>>>>     charts/profiles.  Under View, the properties of each chart/profile
>>>>     can be accessed independently of each other. Therefore, having all
>>>>     Displays properties controlled through View would help things as far
>>>>     as consistency.
>>>>   * We have had a user tell us that they expect the Edit menu in the
>>>>     Displays to only control the Main Display, as it does for other
>>>>     display types that don't end up in the Displays tab (e.g. contour
>>>>     plan view displays).
>>>> We wanted to pass this around to the IDV developers to see if others
>>>> agree with our proposed approach to this.  Do you agree that removing
>>>> the redundant Properties menus is a good thing, or do you like having
>>>> the ability to do the same thing in multiple places?
>>> Yes - the latter.  Having more ways to skin a cat is a feature of the
>>> IDV.  Different users use the menus in different ways.
>>> Don
>> Don - sorry so slow on the reply, meant to and this just slipped away.
>> I'm not opposed to the general statement regarding IDV behavior, but
>> in this particular case doesn't it seem since there are inconsistencies?
>>    - some displays are View -> Properties ONLY
>>    - some displays are Edit -> Properties ONLY
>>    - some are both
>> Wouldn't it be best to change the code so all display props are accessed
>> consistently?
> --
> Don Murray
> 303-497-3596
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