Re: [idvusers] Error opening AWIPS NetCDF grid

Hi Matt-

Please upload the sample file to:

and we'll take a look.

AWIPS has a non-standard way (well I guess it's an AWIPS standard) of storing variables (e.g. Temperature) on multiple vertical coordinates all in one variable and then the reader has to break that in to meaningful fields to present to the user (e.g. Temperature @ pressure, Temperature @ 2m, Temperature in a layer, etc). From your analysis, it looks like the IDV (actually the netCDF-Java library) might not be doing this correctly. It could be that the format of the AWIPS grids has changed slightly since the convention was written many years ago, or the file is not written correctly.

Don Murray

Matt Foster wrote:
I'm trying to view an AWIPS NetCDF model grid file, and I'm getting an error when trying to load it. The error is coming from line 186 of, which is the breakupLevels() method. The error is a "NoSuchElementException" coming from the StringTokenizer.nextToken().

I'm guessing someone is probably going to want to see the grid file in question. gzip'd it is around 700MB, so I'm not sure how to go about getting it available to others.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This is data relating to the tornado outbreak we had here on Monday, so there is great interest in viewing it outside of AWIPS.

Matt @ WFO OUN


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