Re: .* was Re: FSL2 feed?

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, David Knight wrote:

>      I thought  .*  by itself was OK on a request line.
> It was only when the .* is followed by something
> (i.e. .*\.windprofiler) that caused performance problems.

This was my understanding as well.  Please clarify.

> (instead of requesting for example .*\.windprofiler
> we should instead request \.windprofiler which should
> yield the same result)
> Is this not correct?
> Thanks for clearing this up for me. On some feeds we do request
> .* and I want to make sure we're not making inefficient requests...

I'm sure most REQUEST lines are for ".*", so if it really is inefficient
to use ".*" alone, we need to know what pattern to use for each feed

Tom McDermott                           Email: tmcderm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Systems Administrator                   Phone: (585) 395-5718
Earth Sciences Dept.                    Fax: (585) 395-2416
SUNY College at Brockport

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