Re: [netcdf-java] Write to OutputStream

Hi John,


Thank you for your reply and suggestion.  I will look into the
'readToStream' method once the API docs are back up (see attached image):


The consumer of the stream is test-harness JMS receiver, which gathers
temporal metrics and validates that the netcdf file gets put on the correct
topic and is successfully received intact.


Would you like me to file a bug on the documentation being down?



Thank you,

Dean Ericson



Dean Ericson

MIT Lincoln Laboratory



-----Original Message-----
From: netcdf-java-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:netcdf-java-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Caron
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:43 PM
To: netcdf-java@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [netcdf-java] Write to OutputStream


Hi Dean:


You can try Variable.readToStream().


Note this will be a binary serialization that may not be portable. Who is
the consumer of the stream?


Also its "experimental", and we would be glad of feedback.




On 5/28/2014 2:24 PM, Ericson, Dean - 0443 - MITLL wrote:

> Is anyone aware of a way that we can use the netcdf 4.3 library to 

> write/copy/subset a netcdf file into an OutputStream?  I see that the 

> NetcdfFile object has a 'writeCDL' method, but it looks as though it 

> has to exist on disk first.  Can anyone confirm that?


> My use case requires that we can copy data from an input netcdf 4 file 

> and copy/subset it onto a JMS topic.  We have all other dependencies 

> setup, it's just a matter of writing/copying the data into the 

> OutputStream.


> Any help/guidance would be appreciated.


> Thank you,


> Dean Ericson


> Dean Ericson


> MIT Lincoln Laboratory




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