Re: [netcdf-porting] Porting NETCDF to SGI Altix XE240

NOTE: The netcdf-porting mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.

I'm trying to build Netcdf from scratch and not sure if it's working.
After running ./configure, I reviewed the Makefile and find stuff like
"build_triplet=3Dx86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" I'm running Redhat linux
Enterprise Version 5 in 64-bit mode which is relatively new.  Does any
one know if the ./configure can handle that version of linux?  Also, the
SGI platform and the Intel compiler are for 64-bits.  I suspect I need a
64-bit flag for the gnu C/C++ compiler, should I do that by editing the

Arthur P. Mizzi, Ph.D., J.D., CCM
Environmental Scientist/Attorney
Walsh Environmental/Ecology & Environment, Inc.
4888 Pearl E. Circle, Suite 108
Boulder, Colorado 80301-2475
Phone:  303-443-3282
Fax:  303-443-0367
Mobile: 303-903-5544
E-Mail: amizzi@xxxxxxxxxxxx or

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Hartnett [mailto:ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]=20
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 6:03 PM
To: Arthur Mizzi
Cc: netcdf-porting@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [netcdf-porting] Porting NETCDF to SGI Altix XE240

"Arthur Mizzi" <amizzi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

font-family:Arial'>I want to port NETCDF to an SGI Altix XE240 running Redhat
Linux Enterprise Version 5.0 with an Intel Fortran compiler, version 9.1.043
and a GNU C/C++ compiler configured for 64 bits. Will the pre-compiled
binary for NETCDF 3.6.2 on Linux 2.6-x86_64 work on that configuration?

I always feel safer building from source...


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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