Re: Incomplete file

I once hacked away at NetCDF headers for the purpose of writing
pure Java classes for NetCDF.  I seem to recall that the current value
of Unlimited occupies bytes 4-7, immediately following the magic number
"CDF/001".  i.e. the first eight bytes of a NetCDF file are

        byte #          0               4                       7
        contents        | "CDF" /001    | <unlimited dimension> |
                                                32-bit integer
> > 
> > I have a job which bombed before the NCCLOS call could be made made.
> > I know it wrote many records before bombing, and the file is very
> > large, but an NCDUMP shows 0 records written.  Is there a way to 
> > "poke" a value into the header to allow me to access at least the
> > data that already went to the file?  If so, would I subsequently be
> > able to continue extending the file along the record dimension?
> > 
> I remember running into the same problem once, and doing a hack to
> save many years of a simulation.  What I did was to go back to the
> netcdf source and disable the line which checked whether the requested
> time range exceeded the value of the (unlimited) time dimension.
> It was just a matter of commenting out 1 line, but I cannot really 
> remember where it was. It worked, though. It would be nice to have
> a way of doing this through the API. Russ?
>           Arlindo.
> -- 
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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   William Weibel                           weibel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   2635 S. Bedford St.                      Tel. (310)559-8510       \\\\/
   Los Angeles, CA  90034-2413              Cel  (310)351-4155        O-O
  ... to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; 
  this is to have succeeded.                    --Ralph Waldo Emerson
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