Re: [netcdfgroup] 2D coordinate variables

"Choonghwan Lee" <cholee@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Thank you for correcting my mistake. I forgot to make XDim and YDim
> coordinate variables.
> However, my question still remains. Regardless of this modification, ncdump
> can open and dump data. However, I don't know if this is standardized way
> and netCDF4 recognizes "lon" and "lat".
> Thanks,
> Choonghwan Lee


Sorry it took so long to answer this question, but I was on a family
vacation. (And it was wonderful! ;-)

First I must ask if you are approaching this problem from C or Java?

The simple answer is that the netCDF data format does not make any
special accommodation for coordinate variables. They are treated like
any other variable.

The special handling of coordinate variables happens at the level of
software above netCDF. If you are using software at that level, it is
not always clear where the netCDF format ends, and the conventions



Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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