Re: [netcdfgroup] Building netcdf-4 programs with F90

Well, I can't make working on fortran easy. I'll be happy to make it
possible. ;-)

Basically you have to create the same byte layout as would be created
by the C compiler on your platform, using structs. This is platform

Hi Ed:

But what would make this easier is an example of greater complexity than the one given. In the one given, all that is being written is a 1-dimension array of fixed length, for which a Vlen is needed. A more realistic example of how to use the Fortran interface would help greatly. The C is more complex, and something along hose lines in Fortran would help.

We are having some data service issues that we are trying to resolve so I may not be able to dig up the other other things I found for a few days (and the reason I mention the explicitly linking of -lz and -lsz is that is not what the docs say).



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Roy Mendelssohn
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