Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1-beta and OPeNDAP/coordinate variable question

> In any case, this is, I believe, consistent with the behavior of the
original nc-dap C++ code, 
> namely that map variables are not included in the output.  Originally,
I did include them, but 
> there were objections because this behavior was different from the
nc-dap version.

This sounds bizarre.  Is it ncdump that hides  coordinate variables in
OPeNDAP datasets or are they not visible in the NetCDF-C API either?  I
can't see how we can use OPeNDAP as a transparent "on the wire" NetCDF
if it misses out coordinate variables.


Stephen Pascoe  +44 (0)1235 445980
British Atmospheric Data Centre
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

-----Original Message-----
From: netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:netcdfgroup-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dennis
Sent: 01 February 2010 22:02
To: Mary Haley
Cc: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF 4.1-beta and OPeNDAP/coordinate
variable question

> This seems to be setting "--enable-dap" internally, which is what I
That is correct; it is on by default.

> For example, if I do an "ncdump -h" on both the "served" file, and a 
> downloaded version of the file, I get the following:
When you say "downloaded version; how are you downloading it?
In any case, this is, I believe, consistent with the behavior of the
original nc-dap C++ code, namely that map variables are not included in
the output.  Originally, I did include them, but there were objections
because this behavior was different from the nc-dap version.

=Dennis Heimbigner

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