Re: [netcdfgroup] Argo files in netCDF to ?

Hi Marti:

There are several Python libraries for reading netcdf files (do a web search).  
These libraries should provide the equivalent "header" information. Once you 
have the data inside python as some kind of object, it should be similar to 
your existing script for converting the text file into a shape file.


-Roy M.

On Jun 15, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Snyderwine, Martha E. wrote:

> Hello. I’m exploring reading Argo float data for my python course I’m taking 
> from Penn State University.  I need to create shapefiles for the ESRI ArcGIS 
> 9.3 product.
> My script is working for the NOAA NODC provided .txt files.  Using a built in 
> function from ArcGIS, I can get some of the netCDF files into a shapfile, but 
> I see errors in values and I cannot always consistently create the vertical 
> distribution of measurements for temperature and pressure.
> Any ideas? I tried using the free tool NOAA NODC gives away that is supposed 
> to dump the netCDF file to Excel, but it’s not working.  
> Is there a way to dump a netCDF file to an ASCII text file that is fairly 
> easy to interpret what the values mean? For example will I see a header line 
> that labels, rows, and columns of data?
> Thank you, Marti
> Martha (Marti) Snyderwine| The MITRE Corporation | 7515 Colshire Drive | M/S 
> F500 | McLean, VA | 22102-7508
> E-mail: snyderwine@xxxxxxxxx | Office: 703.983.4474|Cell: 703.677.6786|Fax: 
> 703.983.4440
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Roy Mendelssohn
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"From those who have been given much, much will be expected" 

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