Re: [netcdfgroup] NetCDF ArcGIS time step limit?

> On Apr 23, 2010, at 12:30 PM, "Nelson, Theresa M - DNR"
> <Theresa.Nelson <at><mailto:Theresa.Nelson <at>>>
> Is anyone aware of a limit on the number of timesteps that a NetCDF file can
have when bringing it into ArcGIS. 
> The file I have has 365 time steps (daily data for a year); I can drag and
drop it in ArcGIS, but only one time
> step is shown and the option to switch to a different date under the NetCDF
properties is not available.  If I
> modify the file so it only has 200 or less time steps, then it works fine in
ArcGIS.  I've tried this with
> another file with a much larger extent (more grid points), and I still find
the 200 time step limitation.
> Thanks much,
> Theresa
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ESRI definitely needs to document the limitation that somewhere around 200 time
steps is the limitation for creating a netcdf animation.  I spent a good while
scracthing my head about why the feature wasn't working.  Thanks Theresa!

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