[netcdfgroup] Subsetting data with C++ API calls


I'm attempting to read only certain parts (specific indices of specific
variable arrays), remotely, from a MERRA HDFEOS file.

I've recently upgraded to NetCDF, using Lynton's C++ library. At
first, I was using trying to subset the data directly from an OPeNDAP URL
supplied to NcFile, but it's been suggested to me, by an earlier post in
the OPeNDAP 
that this is not a good way to go. Instead, I should use NetCDF API calls.

I have carefully read through the C++ interface guide, including this


but am struggling to understand how to do this. A push in the right
direction would be very appreciated. The example (I don't fully understand
it, but was trying to emulate some of the example that I linked above)

#include <iostream>
#include <netcdf>
int main() {
NcFile dataFile("
NcGroup grouptest(dataFile.addGroup("Dataset"));

gives me the error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of
  what():  NcNotNc4: Attempting netcdf-4 operation on netcdf-3 file.
file: ncGroup.cpp  line:265

This is not surprising, since the file is not a NetCDF-3 file.

Thank you in advance.

Taylor Binnington
e. tbinnington@xxxxxxxxx
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