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Re: Missing GFS ...

In a previous message to me, you wrote: 

 >Thanks for the info, I don't see any errors in the log for those file, 
 >but I'll keep
 >looking around.  As of an hour ago, we've fallen back to the previous 
 >method of
 >gribinsert that was in place before Jan 4th.

Paula and Jerry,

Steve wrote of why this is happening yesterday:

 >The changes were implemented at NWS, but no improvement in
 >insertion timing appears to be the result, and the notices are
 >getting aged out. This probably leads to the conclusion that
 >the previous method of serial insertion, as existed in December
 >when the .5 degree GFS products were added, is the best solution
 >until an optimal solution can be arrived at. The downside here is
 >that the data backlog at the remote server was aproaching 90 minutes
 >between what you saw on the ftp server and what when it was inserted
 >into the LDM queue.
 >Steve Chiswell
 >Unidata User Support

Paula, thanks for reverting back to the old scheme. We'll keep you
posted on how things go starting with the 18 UTC run.


 >Jerrold Robaidek wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> I know Steve and others are working on the problems, and it is much 
 >> appreciated.
 >> I thought I'd mention that there have been several forecast hours 
 >> missing from the 6 and 12 UTC 1-degree GFS runs coming in via CONDUIT.
 >> Notably the 54 hour and 48 hour forecasts from the 12Z.
 >> They are on the ftp site, but the ftp site has been becoming even 
 >> slower lately. (if that seems possible)
 >> Jerry

^ Pete Pokrandt                    V 1447  AOSS Bldg  1225 W Dayton St^
^ Systems Programmer               V Madison,         WI     53706    ^
^                                  V      address@hidden       ^
^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
^ University of Wisconsin-Madison  V       262-0166 (Fax)             ^