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Re[2]: 19990114: Feed type for Nexrad level 2 data COMINGSOON/BLKDATA

The reason I break the product up is two-fold:

1. A volume takes from 6-10 minutes to produce.  I send the data as soon as it
is received.  The partial product could be useful.

2. Also, I am compressing the radar volume as I receive it, and each individual
piece has been seperately compressed.

Given the above, it would make sense to leave it the way I have it.  Do you have
any suggestions as to naming, perhaps instead of

        YYYYMMDDHHMMSS IIII nnn mm [E]

what would be better is:


Dr. Harry Edmon                 E-MAIL: address@hidden
(206) 543-0547                  FAX:    (206) 543-0308
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington, Box 351640, Seattle, WA 98195-1640