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FSL2 Feed

Hello Joshua, Mike, and Larry:

Joshua (Utah State) would like to get the FSL2 feed.

It seems as if Mike at U of A is currently not requesting FSL2 from

Aug 16 15:08:25 notifyme[6105]: NOTIFYME(meteora.ucsd.edu): OK
Aug 16 15:10:56 notifyme[6105]:   182868 20010816151054.871    FSL2 000

It appears as if meteora IS getting the FSL2 feed.

Sooooo, if Larry could place an allow for:


to get FSL2 as well as the other feeds currently allowed,

and we can get Mike to request FSL2 from meteora,

and then place an allow for Joshua on his machine for:

allegan.nr.usu.edu for FSL2.

Then Joshua, you should see FSL2 coming from nimbus...

Hope this is all amenable to all involved, if not or if you have
questions..Please contact us/me again..

Remember, one must stop and start the ldm for any changes in the ldmd.conf
to take place.

Also please cc me on any future correspondence so we can maintain our

Thank you,

____________________________                  _____________________
Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden
Unidata Support                               PH:303-497-8676 
NWS-COMET Case Study Library                  FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________      ______________________