2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > NetCDF Example Programs
6.2 The NetCDF Example Data Sets
The example datasets are produced by the example programs.
- The examples all write, then read, one of three example data sets
of increasing complexity, simple_xy.nc, sfc_pres_temp.nc, and
- The example data sets are simplistic, tiny, and unlikely to
represent the full complexity of creating a netCDF data file in the
wild, but they attempt to provide coverage for netCDF's main features.
- The examples represent good error handling for netCDF APIs; all
return codes are checked.
- The examples are built with "make check" as part of the netCDF
build process. In addition to examples, they function as tests. For
each example dataset, and each API, there are two example programs,
one to write the sample data set, and the other to read it back and
ensure that everything is correct.
- The examples are constructed so that each example dataset of
increasing complexity leads to a fuller understanding of the netCDF
API. If you know nothing about using the netCDF API, start with the
simple case (simple_xy.nc), then look at the 2D example
(sfc_pres_temp.nc), and then the 4D example (pres_temp_4D.nc).
2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > NetCDF Example Programs