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2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers

6 NetCDF Example Programs
Example programs in C/C++/F77/F90 have been added to the netCDF distribution; they demonstrate some of the features of netCDF.

6.0  The NetCDF Examples in C/F77/F90/C++
Example programs are provided in C/F77/F90/C++ and come with the netCDF release.
6.1  The NetCDF Example Requirements
The requirements for netCDF examples.
6.2  The NetCDF Example Data Sets
The example datasets are produced by the example programs.
6.3  The Simple XY Example Dataset CDL
The example dataset written and read by the simple_xy example programs.
6.4  Write The Simple XY Example in F90
The Fortran 90 program which writes the example dataset.
6.5  Read The Simple XY Example in F90
The Fortran 90 program which reads the example dataset.
6.6  The Simple XY Write Example in C
Some code from the C example program which writes the example.
6.7  The Simple XY Example in F77
The Fortran 77 code which writes the data file.
6.8  The Simple XY Example in C++
The C++ code which writes the example dataset.
6.9  The 2D Example Dataset CDL
The example dataset written and read by the sfc_pres_temp example programs.
6.10  The 4D Example Dataset CDL
The example dataset written and read by the pres_temp_4D example programs.
6.11  Reading The 4D Example in F77
The Fortran 77 code which reads the example dataset, one record at a time.
6.12  Reading Generic Data of Unknown Dimensonality
The odometer code in the netCDF library can read data in a general way, without knowing the dimensionality.


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2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers