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2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers

12 Using NetCDF-4 Features, Part 1
NetCDF-4 includes many new features, such as parallel I/O, chunking, compression, new primitive types, and efficient schema changes.

12.0  NetCDF-4 and the NetCDF Library APIs
The new netCDF-4 features are supported (somewhat) in all four netCDF library APIs, C/C++/F77/F90. But Fortran users face challenges.
12.1  Introduction to NetCDF-4 Features
There are many new features in netCDF-4.
12.2  Some New NetCDF-4 Functions
Many new functions have been added to the netCDF-4 API, here are some of them.
12.3  Using the Classic Model
NetCDF-4 files can be created with an enforced restriction: to follow the classic model.
12.4  Parallel I/O in NetCDF-4
NetCDF-4 exposes the parallel I/O features of HDF5.
12.5  Parallel I/O Example
This example is from nc_test4/tst_parallel.c, and is run by make check on platforms with MPI/IO support.
12.6  Chunking in NetCDF-4
NetCDF-4 allows chunking, which helps I/O performance.
12.7  Per-Variable Compression in NetCDF-4
NetCDF-4 features allows you to set compression on a per variable basis.
12.8  New Atomic Types in NetCDF-4
New types have been added to netCDF-4.
12.9  The New String Type in NetCDF-4
The string type can efficiently store arrays of variable length strings.
12.10  Automatic enddef and redef in NetCDF-4
There is no need to call the enddef or redef functions for netCDF-4 files.
12.11  Multiple Unlimited Dimensions in NetCDF-4
It is possible to have more than one unlimited dimension in a netCDF-4/HDF5 file.


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2007 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers