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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > NetCDF Utilities

4.2 Unicode Names
The netCDF library and utilities in versions 3.6.3 and later permit Unicode names for netCDF objects.

Both ncdump and ncgen can now deal with Unicode names in files. Example ncdump output:

	pressure = 10 ;
	pressão = 10 ;
	ciśnienie = 10 ;
	налягане = 10 ;
	压力 = 10 ;
	πίεση = 10 ;
	давление = 10 ;
	압력 = 10 ;
	float πίεση(πίεση) ;
		πίεση:standard_name = "air_pressure" ;
NetCDF-4 note: In netCDF-4 ncdump and ncgen, Unicode symbols are also permitted in names for groups, user-defined types, compound-type members, and enumeration symbols.


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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers > NetCDF Utilities