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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers

4 NetCDF Utilities
Generic netCDF utilities: ncdump, ncgen, netCDF operators, and other useful tools.

The only utilities that are part of the Unidata netCDF package are ncdump and ncgen. The ncdump and ncgen utilities can be used to avoid writing programs for some kinds of simple data management tasks, or to generate simple netCDF programs in C and Fortran.

4.0  ncdump
The ncdump command-line utility converts netCDF data to a human-readable text form.
4.1  ncgen
The ncgen utility can generate a netCDF file, a C program, or a Fortran program from a human-readable (and editable) CDL file.
4.2  Unicode Names
The netCDF library and utilities in versions 3.6.3 and later permit Unicode names for netCDF objects.
4.3  NCO Utilities
The NCO (NetCDF Operators) provide command-line and scriptable programs for common generic operations on netCDF files.

4.4  NCL Utilities
NCL (NCAR Command Language) is an interpreted programming language for scientific data analysis and visualization that comes with many useful built-in functions and procedures for processing and manipulating data, including climate data and model output in netCDF, GRIB, and HDF formats.
4.5  CDO Utilities
The CDO (Climate Data Operators) package is a collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyze climate model data.
4.6  Other NetCDF Utilities
Many other useful netCDF utilities have been developed and are freely available.


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2008 Unidata NetCDF Workshop for Developers and Data Providers