2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > Introduction to the NetCDF APIs
10.2 The Java API
The netCDF Java library provides advanced
capabilities not available in C-based APIs.
A separate presentation covers the netCDF Java API and the Unidata
Common Data Model, so this is just a brief overview.
- Platform independent: Windows, Linux, OSX, ...
- Cutting edge: trying new ideas, services, and
features for netCDF
- Object-oriented: data abstraction,
encapsulation, modularity, polymorphism, inheritance
- Standards-compliant: implementing standard CF Conventions
- Coordinate-systems support: methods for geospatial
coordinates in addition to array indices
- General-purpose: access to many
formats through a common interface (CDM)
- Well documented: NetCDF Java Tutorial
and Java Library Reference Documentation
2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop > Introduction to the NetCDF APIs