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2012 Unidata NetCDF Workshop


Introduction to understanding netCDF, developing programs that use netCDF, and following Best Practices for making netCDF data useful to others.

Welcome, Logistics, and Introduction
Welcome to the Unidata 2012 NetCDF for New Users Workshop
Overview of Unidata
Overview of Unidata software and services.
Overview of netCDF
NetCDF: its purpose, features, niche, intended users, and some alternatives to consider for storing and accessing scientific data.
Building and installing netCDF
Getting, building, and installing netCDF-C software
The NetCDF Classic Data Model
The netCDF classic data model associated with netCDF-3 is now (and will continue to be) widely used.
NetCDF Utilities
Utilities installed by default are ncdump, ncgen, nccopy, and nc-config.
Remote Access to Datasets Through netCDF-3
Introduction to the access of remote datasets using the DAP protocol through the netCDF-3 interface.
NetCDF-C for Windows
Building and using netCDF-C on Windows
NetCDF Library Architecture
Design, structure, and dependencies of the netCDF libraries
10  Introduction to the NetCDF APIs
Introduction to netCDF APIs developed at Unidata and others written and contributed by third-party developers.
11  Using netCDF in programs
Accessing netCDF data from programs
12  Diskless netCDF files
Now you can access netCDF "files" in memory.
13  Introduction to NetCDF-4
What is netCDF-4?
14  Formats and Performance
Implications of format on performance. Performance tips and pitfalls.
15  Utilities for NetCDF-4
The ncdump, ncgen, and nccopy utilities have been expanded to handle the netCDF-4 enhanced data model.
16  NetCDF-4 Programming
Writing programs to use netCDF-4 features and access netCDF-4 data
17  The Unidata UDUNITS-2 package
Using Unidata's udunits-2 package
18  CF Conventions
Overview of the increasingly important CF conventions.
19  Chunking and Deflating Data with NetCDF-4
NetCDF-4/HDF5 data may be written in chunks for increased performance, and may use on-the-fly compression.
20  Best Practices for Data providers
Experience-based "best practices" as well as a few worst practices for how not to provide data to users.
21  Thanks
Thanks for your attendance and attention!
22  Introduction to NetCDF Annual Update
Welcome to the Unidata 2012 NetCDF Annual Update
23  What NetCDF Developers Should Know About HDF5
An introduction to HDF5 for netCDF developers and data providers.
24  NetCDF-Java and the CDM
NetCDF-Java, the Common Data Model, and Big Data
25  Developing generic netCDF software
Experience developing generic netCDF software tools
26  Third-party netCDF packages: NCO, NCL, CDO
Several widely used third-party software packages for netCDF data have been improved since our last NetCDF Annual Update..
27  Using netCDF - NCAR Climate Data
NCAR's CMIP5 archive contributions comprise Big Data with netCDF
28  Converting ASCII to netCDF
pzhta is a tool under development for the ACADIS project
29  Update on Remote Access to NetCDF Data
What's happening with DAP, OPeNDAP, and the OPULS project?
30  Use of CMake, Cdash, Ctest
Use of CMake, Cdash, Ctest
31  NetCDF and Python
A Python interface to netCDF-4
32  Update on CF developments
The CF community is been quite active during the last year. What have they (and we) been up to?
33  NetCDF and Related International Standards
What does it take to create an international standard?
34  Dispatch layer and netCDF architecture
The netCDF dispatch architecture
35  Parallel I/O with NetCDF
Using parallel I/O can result in significant performance improvements in high performance computing applications.
36  The Future of netCDF
Short- and long-term plans for netCDF development, along with speculation about the future of scientific data access.
37  Participating in the NetCDF Community
You can participate in the netCDF community.


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